Staff & Personnel In Civil Engineering

Staff & Personnel In Civil Engineering
Department Overview

Sanni, Hakeem Adesoji

Chief Lecturer

BSc. MSc.(Civil Engineering)


Chief Lecturer|BSc. MSc.(Civil Engineering)




Civil Engineering


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Material [concrete, SFRC, steel, bamboo] tests, Alternative Construction Materials, Highway and Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering

Teaching Areas

Structural Design and Detailing, Civil Engineering Construction, Theory of Structures, Fluid Mechanics, Transportation Engineering, Matrix and Energy Methods, Research Methodology, Environmental Science

Selected Publications

1. Ogunfayo I.K., Soyemi O.B and Sanni A.O [2015]: Flexural Properties of Finely Granulated Plastic Waste as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate in Concrete. TI International Journal of Engineering Sciences. 4(5) ISSN: 2306-6474. P65-68

2. Makanjuola O. M. and Sanni H. A., (2013): “Effect of Blanching on Frozen Storage on the Proximate Composition of Four Leafy Vegetables Widely Consumed in Ilaro community, Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Global BioScience, Vol. 2(4), Pp 85-89.

3. Makanjuola O. M. and Sanni H.A., (2013): “Effect of Blanching on Frozen Storage on Some Selected Minerals and Vitamin C Content for Four Leafy Vegetables Widely Consumed in Ilaro Community, Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Global BioScience, Vol. 2(4), Pp 79-84.

4. Sanni, H.A. and Aikulola O.A. (2013): “A Study of Strength Characteristics of Recycled Glass (Cullets) in concrete Floor tiles Production”. Journal of Civil and Environmental Research.

5. Sanni, H.A. and Aikulola O.a. (2013): “Impact of Varietal Difference in Silicate Content of Cement Brands on the Characteristic Strength of Conrete”. Nigerian Journal of Educational Productivity, Scientific Research and Contemporary issurs, Vol. 5 No 1.

6. Sanni, H.A. (2012): “Impact of Varetal Difference in Silicate Content of Cement on the Properties of Concrete”. Internaitonal Journal of Environmental Sciences. (already accepted)

7. Sanni, H.A.; Musa N.A. & Adedokun, M.A. (2011): “An Evaluation of Factors influencing Environmental Degradation in South/West Nigeria” Ilaro Journal of Management, Art, Science and Technology.

8. Sanni, H.A. et al (2014); “Emperica Approach to Pavement Assessment for Sustainable Maintenance – A Case Study of Abeokuta Township Roads, Nigeria NSE Technical Transaction, A Journal of the Nigerian Society of Engineers.

9. Sanni, H.A. & Olonade, K.A. (2011): “A study of Effects of Climate Change on The Properties of Concrete” – NSE Technical Transaction, A Journal of the Nigerian Society of Engineers.

10. Sanni, H.A. & Olonade K.A. (2011): “A Study of Effects of Climate Change on the Properties of Concrete’ Technical Transaction of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Abuja.

11. Musa, N. A.; Sanni H. A. & Adedokun, M.A. (2009): “An Investigation into Bidding Strategies Adopted By Construction Firms in Nigeria” Management and Technology Vol. 2, No. 2

12. Musa, N. A.; Sanni, H. A. & Adedokun, M.A. (2008): “An Evaluaiton of Environmentally Degraded Educaitonal Buildings in Nigeria”, International Journal of Environmental Services Vol. 3 No. 1 & 2.

Conferences Attended

1. Sanni, H.A. & Aikulola O.A. (2012): “A Study of Strength Characteristics of Recycled Glass (Cullets) in concrete Floor Tiles Production”. Book of Reading at the 2nd Annual Conference of the School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Pp 32-29.

2. Sanni, H.A. & Aikulola O.A. (2012): “Effect of Cement Brand Composition on the Engineering Properties of Concrete”. Book of Readings at the 2nd Annual Conference of the School of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Pp 44-49.

3. Sanni, H.A., (2011): “Research Proceedures and Metholodgy”. A Paper Presented at the Annual Project Seminar of the Department of Quantity Surveying, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

4. Sanni, H.A., Musa N.A. & Adedokun, N.A. (2010): “Effects of SIWES Placemnt on the Quality of Graduate Trainee”. 1st National Confere ce of the school of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Pp 66-71.

5. Sanni, H.A., Musa N.A & Adedokun, N.A. (2010): “Factors influencing the Success of SIWES in South West, Nigeria” book of readings of the 1st National Coference of the school of Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Pp 71-76.

6. Sanni, H.A. & Olonade, K.A. (2010): “A study of Effects of Climate change on The Properties of Concrete”-International Cinference of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, Abuja, Nigeria.

7. Sanni, H.A.; Musa, N.A. & Adedokun, M.A. (2010): An Evaluation of Factors influencing Environmental Degradaiton in South/West Nigeria.” Book of readings of the 3rd National conference of the School of Environmental Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

8. Sanni, H.A. (2011): “Research Procedures and Methodology” Annual Project Seminar of the Department of Quantity Surveeying Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

9. Musa, N. A; Sanni, H. A. & Adedokun, M. A. (2009): “A Study of the Impact of ICT on the Students” Academic Performance” (A case Study of the School of Environmental Studies and Engineering, Federal Polytechic, Ilaro) presented at the 2nd National Conference of the School of Environmental Studies, Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro.

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